Friday, September 09, 2011


Hello fb friends 911 2001 is a happy day for me even though ppl lost friends, family members, husbands, wifes, sons, daughters. God open my eyes to see I was not saved and if he come back right then I would have went to hell. I did not want to go to hell I was raised in the church all of my life so I know want this means when 911 happy I got up round 653 I was living with my older sister Rachel she had the tv going I look I see a building on fire I asks Rachel is that in Portland she said no new york city I could not say any thing all day that day I just know God was coming back soon and I wanted to be ready. sense  then it has not been on peachy I have done wrong I am a human but I have always thought about this I now I can not go back to my old life style. I love the lord to much to give up now.

Monday, July 04, 2011